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Farm: Code: 395
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Farm: Code: 395
Localization: Apiacas - Apiacas-MT
Total area: 5.832 ha
Open area: 3.630 ha
Main purpose: Cattle - Fattening
Price: 4.250.000,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: It can be negotiated
Property totally structured for the fattening and termination of bovine to field during the crop period. Your excellent division and pasture formation allied the natural watery and conection for corridors allow to develop a termination system monitored, with systematic evaluation of data.
Location: Municipal district of Apiacás, distant of Alta Floresta 95 miles.
Total area of Farm: 5.832 hectares
Medium capacity of occupation: 7.000 oxen
Pasture area: 3630 hectares.
N. of total pastures: 50
Pasture composition: 80% Mombaça, 20% Braquiária.
Pasture divisions: 100% flat wire.
Basic structures: Telephony through radio, energy by water resource.
Area of the main house with 3 houses for employees and the main house.
Lodging for contractor with capacity for 10 people, endowed with every basic infrastructure. (in construction)
Operational constructions:
Hangar with 600m2 for storage of mineral salt, ration and agricultural implements. (in construction)
Corral with capacity of handling of 1.000 animals, composed by 2 closed logs and divider. Brete automatic Beckenhauser with coupled electronic scale being interlinked with a Notebook.
All the pastures with hods for salt covered and watery natural.
Complete structures for Semi-confinement: Pastures endowed with system for installation of hods of ration supply in agreement with the capacity of each pasture. In your totality the whole system can hold up to 1.600 animals receiving ration for necessary time.
Machines, equipments and other:
Two wheel tractors Massey Fergson.
Cart for transport.
Truck Ford F4000, with cage.
Troop with 46 work animals.

Farm: Code: 384
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Farm: Code: 384
Localization: 90 miles of Sapezal - Sapezal-MT
Total area: 8.544 ha
Open area: 6.762 ha
Main purpose: Farming - Soy - Corn - Cotton - Sugar Cane
Price: 0,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: It can be negotiated
Location: Area of Parecis, that includes the municipal districts of Brasnorte, Campo Novo dos Parecis, Campos de Júlio, Sapezal, Deciolândia, Comodoro and Tangará da Serra, inserted in the personal computer area of Alto Juruena.
Municipal district: Sapezal
Altitude: The medium altitude is from 620 to 740 meters.
Relief: Predominance of plane relief being smoothly tilted and wavy.
Soils: Prevail the characteristic soil of the savannah mato-grossense, as the types: Red Latossolo, dark Red Latossolo, sands Quartzosas and Podzólicos. They are soils of variable texture, drained, natural fertility usually low. The fertility is built in the plane areas and of loamy medium texture, seeking obtaining of discharges productivities in farmings of annual cycle.
Occupation of the lands: They are basically with annual farmings: soy, corn, cotton, cane of sugar and pasture. The bovine culture, goat culture and pig culture, with standard high racial breeding. The industrialization in the area grows accelerated, biodiesel plant, plant of sugar and alcohol, freezer for discount of goats.
Vegetation: The typical original vegetation is light savannah.
Climate: Characterized by a rainy station of October to April. Annual medium precipitation from 2.000 to 2.200 mm and annual medium temperature of 24ºC.
Water Resources: The area is formed by several nascent, streams and rivers that form River Juruena basin.
Current use of the Soil: 6.500 hectares of annual farmings in corrected soils;
1.456 hectares of reservation area and plantation; 326 hectares of bush; 172 hectares of pastures; 65 hectares of highways; 14 hectares of the main house; 10 hectares of reforestation; 1 hectare of vegetable garden.
Water Resources: The property is served for several nascents with good volume of water the whole year, besides the property do boundary with a river of high potential for electric power production. For the consumption of water in the property comes from artesian well which also suplly the pulverizers in the formation and conduction of the farming.
Use capacity: Contained and qualified in agreement with your use capacity, with amusements spaces with the same use subclass. Soils of Loamy texture prevail - sandy, topography relatively glides.
Medium principal reached in the different cultures in the last 10 years: Soy = 52 bags / hectare. Corn normal Crop = 118 bags / hectare. Corn little crop 82 bags / hectare. Cotton = 280 enrapture / hectare. Sorgo = 38 bags / hectare. Milheto = 25 bags / hectare.
Main House: Positioned in the center of the property with an altitude of 680 meters, easy access, excellent arborization and good distribution and also has a good distribution in the construction of the improvements.
1 - a masonry grocery store with concrete floor and covering with arched metallic structure with leaves of zinc that shelters a group of machines and equipments used for the cotton improvement, all in good conversation state and operation.
2 - a masonry grocery store with concrete floor and covering with arched metallic structure covered with leaves of zinc, place for cotton storage in feather, near the garage to assist the needs of the farm.
3 - a masonry grocery store with concrete floor and covering with arched metallic structure covered with leaves of zinc, place used for deposit of cotton carroço.
4 - a masonry grocery store with concrete floor and covering with arched metallic structure covered with tile of zinc, place used for shelter of machines and fertilizer deposit.
5 - a grocery store built in masonry with bottom in V, covering with structure metallic arcade covered with leaves of zinc, storage capacity for three hundred thousand soy sacks, with termometria and aeration in good shape and maintenance. Enclosure under same covering, three groups of elevators with capacity for sixty tons / hour each. Two groups for pre-cleaning, with capacity for forty tons / hour each<

Farm: Code: 317
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Farm: Code: 317
Localization: 50 miles from Campo Verde - Campo Verde-MT
Total area: 1.400 ha
Open area: 1.100 ha
Main purpose: Soy - Corn
Price: 2.625.000,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: Entrance + 4 parcels
Farm with 1.100 hectares of plantation, large tent, main house, electric power, corral, employees house, 300 hectares of earth with 25% to 30% of clay, red texture, the remaining sandy mixed earth with tenor of clay of 15% to 25% of clay, black earth, sowing, 812 meters of elevation. Topography glides.
Price: 150 soy sacks for hectare.

Farm: Code: 165
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Farm: Code: 165
Localization: 32 miles of Poconé Pantanal - Pocone-MT
Total area: 1.150 ha
Open area: 400 ha
Main purpose: Cattle - Tourism
Price: 0,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: One parcel only
Farm with 400 hectares of humidícula, capacity for 800 oxen, complete corral, all enclosed, eletric energy, owner house, employee house.
Property cutted to the bottom for the pixaim river.

Farm: Code: 195
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Farm: Code: 195
Localization: 20 miles of Alto da Boa Vista - Alto Boa Vista-MT
Total area: 1.349 ha
Open area: 750 ha
Main purpose: Soy
Price: 0,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: Entrance + 2 parcels
Area with earth of yellow mud that produces soy very well, there is wood house, group generating, all enclosed and documented.
Planting 300 hectares since 2 years ago and more 450 hectares broken and burned.
P.s: The farm possesses debt in the bank in the value of R$ 550.000,00, with an entrance of 20% of the value can be parceled out to pay in 4 years.

Farm: Code: 169
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Farm: Code: 169
Localization: 38 miles from Cuiabá - Pocone-MT
Total area: 1.400 ha
Open area: 1.100 ha
Main purpose: Cattle - Raising - Fattering
Price: 0,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: Entrance + 3 parcels (U$ 320.000,00)
Farm with 1100 hectares of pastures, good owner house, 2 employee house, large tent, cutted by 2 rivers, 4 dams, 12 pastures divisins, bad corral.
Plain farm.

Farm: Code: 37
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Farm: Code: 37
Localization: 140 Km of Cuiabá - Chapada Dos Guimaraes-MT
Total area: 2.600 ha
Open area: 250 ha
Main purpose: Cattle
Price: 300.000,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: Farm Sold!
Farm with natural divisions, good of water, mixed earth (Ideal for Cow), 250 hectares of pasture, corral, marries, 05 pasture divisions, located in the margin of River Pedra Grande.

Farm: Code: 167
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Farm: Code: 167
Localization: 32 miles of Poconé - Pocone-MT
Total area: 1.560 ha
Open area: 900 ha
Main purpose: Cattle
Price: 650.000,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: Entrance + 1 parcel U$$ 325.000,00
Farm with 400 hectares of pastures, being 300 hectares of humidicula, 100 hectares of brizantao and 500 hectares of native pastures.
9 pastures divisions, 7 dams, corral, employee house, sheep house, all enclosed, 500 hectares of forest, 600 hectares of "Vajão"/Pantanal.

Farm: Code: 168
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Farm: Code: 168
Localization: 25 miles of Poconé/Pantanal - Pocone-MT
Total area: 18.000 ha
Open area: 10.000 ha
Main purpose: Cattle
Price: 0,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: Entrance + 2 parcels
Farm with 10000 hectares of pastures,
being 700 hectares of humidicula and 9300 hectares of native pastures. All enclosed, 22 pastures divisions, 2 support houses, owner house, employee houses, large tent, landing track, 2 Corrals, electric power, Cellular Rural, 60% of high pantanal, today it has 6.000 oxen, capacity for 10.000 oxen.

Farm: Code: 318
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Farm: Code: 318
Localization: 53,125 miles from Campo Verde - Campo Verde-MT
Total area: 2.000 ha
Open area: 1.250 ha
Main purpose: Soy - Corn
Price: 2.750.000,00 U$ Dollars
Payment: Entrance + 2 years
Farm with 1.250 hectares of farming, and this year it planted only 650 hectares, 2 pivots, one for 60 hectares and other for 130 hectares, Large tent, 2 houses in masonry, Rich of water, it has a river in a boundary and a stream in the other. Sandy earth, with 5 years of farming, 830 meters of elevation. Ideal for seeds. Topography glides.
Price: 110 soy sacks for hectare.
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