- Planning map and administration
- Use map and occupation of the soil
- Basic map of the property
The technology of images through satellite associated the modern geoprocessing techniques makes available to the rural producers an important work tool in the manage of the rural activity. The amount and the quality of the information will always be better when the mapping works have the support of risings and field observations. For some services, the field data are indispensable.
Planning map and administration
The planning of the rural property with the aid of images through satellite provides a general vision of the whole property so much for farms already open, as for those that still has areas for opening.
The visualization of the conditions of the property in the satellite image allows to define the plan of highways, areas for forest exploration, areas of pastures and of agriculture details, everything in a fast and economical way. Also the division of areas of the farm is facilitated, as in the case of the rotate pasture.
A practical example of those benefits is the recruiting of services of having cleared with base in the real dimensions of the areas. Being known the area of the agriculture details is possible to do the attendance of the productivity of each base and to propose changes in the handling of the areas seeking a larger efficiency of the farmings.
The use of those maps facilitates the knowledge of the conditions of exploration of the property for all the ones that are direct or indirectly involved with the activities of the farm, particularly, in the communication with workers of consultancy services and technical support.
In the final presentation of that map the areas and divisions of the property are shown, open areas (pastures, farmings), reserves legal, areas of permanent preservation, drainage net (streams, rivers), dams, highways, level curves, etc. The enrichment of the map with information collected in field allows the identification of the thirst, retreats, types of pastures, fences, areas with restrictions of use of the soil, etc.
The updating of the information in that map when driven with the other managerial processes, it improves the efficiency in the administration of the property.
Use map and occupation of the soil
The use map and occupation of the soil presents the main uses of the earth and the respective areas.
The use map and occupation of the soil presents the main uses of the earth and the respective areasThe use map and occupation of the soil presents the main uses of the earth and the respective areas.
Fundamental in the identification of areas to deforest, opening of highways, construction of dams and a better use of the soil in general.
Basic map of the property
That map presents a general vision of the property, with your area, limits, access highways and location.
Important in the cases of purchase and sale of the farm, area conference and limits, open areas and vegetation types. Very useful in the support to the field works and in the popularization of the property, checking credibility the most several use situations.
Advantages of the mapping for satellite
• Rapidez and reduction of costs;
• Facilidade in the obtaining and presentation of information of the property (farming areas, pastures, forests, highways, rivers, etc.);
• The mapping for satellite is an important work tool in the planning of the property;
• Attendance Possibility and evolution of the rural activity;
Topography services with the job of equipments of GPS for measurements of areas accurately, without the need of opening of bites in all the limits of the farm. The use of receivers GPS and the geoprocessing check great flexibility to the topography works, sparing the traditional methods that need the walking along the limits of the property.
Types of topographical measurements with equipments GPS:
• Geodesic GPS - For necessary measurements seeking to assist the real estate registrations, judicial subjects and the Federal Law 10.267/01 (Geoprocessing)
• GPS of Navigation - For expedite conference of the dimensions of the property. Very common in projects, given the speed and the easiness of rising of data.
The Federal Law 10.267/01 determine the compulsory nature of the georreferenciamento certification close to INCRA. Essentially the Law looks for the definitive regularization of the real estate registrations, avoiding the duplicity of documents and a better knowledge of the rural structure of the country.
Any alteration that comes to be done in the registration, owner transfer, dismemberment, rememberment, area modification, division into lots and relative alterations to environmental aspects need the certification of georreferenciamento of the property.
The georeferencing consists of the transport of known coordinates (latitude and longitude), with satellite receivers-GPS, of marks already ratified by IBGE, for the property to be measured.
Knowing about the importance and of the urgency of these services for the rural producers, we made available a team of professionals qualified to elaborate the whole georeferencing process, under the engineers' coordination accredited CREA and INCRA close to.
It is common in the rural way the existence of properties with real estate registrations different from the real situation. Immobile with excess or area lack. Other farmers just stop the ownership of the area, without the necessary deed (registration).
We supplied the plants and the memorial of the area, with due ART of CREA. When necessary, we set up the whole process close to for the regularization INCRA or state organ of lands-INTERMAT (State of Mato Grosso).
We executed the works of topographical measurement for the rural regularization according to the new regulation of the Law 10.267/01, demanded for processes of this nature.
The success of any enterprise depends, among other factors, of a project well elaborated.
Starting from the diagnosis of the property and of the market study we proceeded the assembly of the project, making the composition and analysis of some situations for, after to choose the most appropriate and to present the final project.
To make possible the implantation of the project we elaborated, also, the investment project with resources of FCO-Constitutional Fund of the Centro Oeste, of BNDES-I Support National of Economical and Social Development and of FAT-Fund of Help to the Worker, tends as main financial agents the Bank of Brazil and the Bank of the Amazonian.
We do rendered consultancy services and consultantship in the implantation of projects and in the attendance of agricultural enterprises.
The use of the forest resources, in a maintainable way, is today a legal demand supervised intensely by the competent organs, mainly IBAMA and FEMA/MT.
The authorizations of it deforests and of sustained forest handling they value the property, making possible other benefits. Avoid setbacks and to be punished. The rural proprietor and the society have, in the rational use of our forests, guaranteed the conditions of a balanced atmosphere.
We rendered the most several services in the area of:
• Autorização of it deforests (I Glide of Forest Exploration)
• Plan of Sustained Forest Handling-PMFS
• Licensing of industries of forest products
• Autorização for controlled burning
The growth of the population and the pressure on the environment began the for in risk the life. The mobilization and the pledge for the environmental preservation started to be fundamental tends, in the sustained development, the key for the continuity of the life.
The State of Mato Grosso has in the environmental licensing the administration mechanisms and control of his/her environment, demanding LAU from the rural proprietors.
The Only Environmental License-LAU is obtained State Foundation of the Environment of Mato Grosso close to-FEMA, by project presentation with satellite image.
Other services that can be necessary for LAU'S obtaining are the Legal Reservation's registering, the Plan of Recovery of Degraded Areas-PRAD and the project of area compensation.
The presentation of decisions is important in many cases from, the simplest as, to know the value of the property, until the compounds that involve judicial subjects.
We have specialized professionals for technical advice, with expert accredited for elaboration of decisions, opinions or accompanying the whole processes in the phases administrative or judicial.
Main areas of performance:
• Evaluation
• Expropriation
• Environmental Defense
P.s: Our Services, are allowed to all customers of Brazil.
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